An Expirience part 4

"You are good, and what You do is good..."
Psalm 119:68a

When I last updated you on my dyslexia program, I  explained the three different parts of this orientation - visual, auditory and balance.

When I went to see Carl over a year ago to do this program, we had to do an adapted version of the balance portion of the program seated with the seat belt off.  Over the last year I have been trying to build up enough strength in my legs to be able to do a second adapted version of the balance portion in standing

When we thought I was ready to stand for about five minutes at a time, we called Carl and he came out to the house. He started by putting a pair of headphones on me and having me listen to a ping sound in sitting, pulling it to my orientation point above and behind my head.

After I was able to pull it up about three times he had me start the sound on the point and end the sound on the point. This was all fairly easy as this was what I'd done with him last year. With this done, we took a mini break to get me in an arm chair, and position my wheelchair in front of me so I could hold the handles at the back when I stood.

Once I stood up the steps were the same as above - listen to the sound and pull it to the point, followed by listen to the sound and have it start on your point.

Sounds easy enough. It's not. Especially while trying to stand. Finally I managed to get it to go up After a mini break, we tried the second and final step mentioned above. This was harder but I managed it, or so I thought.

This done, Carl lingered and chatted for a bit, then left. We went on with the day.  It wasn't immediate, but over time Mom noticed a change...and it wasn't a welcome one. My eyes, which had been so alert, were dull and listless, instead of sitting upright and tall in my chair, I slumped over head lolling to the left. I noticed I was hitting door frames and walls again. My speech was slurred and almost always a whisper. I was constantly being asked to repeat But perhaps the most disturbing thing of all for me, I felt confused and frustrated.

We decided to leave it for a few days and see if my mind would slow down and get used to this new place of orientation. When it didn't show any signs of improvement we sent Carl an email explaining the problem. He called us that same day and put it all back to the way it was before.  It didn't take long for the feeling of safety to return and with it the huge smile. I was back and I knew it.

I don't know why it didn't work. Carl's philosophy is that maybe we hit the edge of my dyslexia and the beginning of my brain injury. I choose to think my body just wasn't ready for it. Perhaps it will be one day, perhaps not. In the meantime we keep going with trigger words!!



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