Why "Choreographer's Cuisine?"

Why dance?
 Dance is everywhere in Scripture. In Psalms 150 it tells us to "...Praise Him with harp and lyre. Praise Him with timbrel and dancing..."
For me dance has always been a very important part of life. I believe dance was engrained into my very being by my grandfather, who, I'm told danced me for hours around the living room when I was a baby trying to get me to sleep. (I'm told I was a hard baby to get to sleep!)
As I have gotten older dance has inspired me and has become a way of expression when I can't find the words. I have also tried other art forms, but dance and poetry are my two favourites.
As I am learning the art of choreography this year from my bosses, I am recognizing that my life has been choreographed by the Great Choreographer, Jesus Christ. Every person who has come into my life, every situation I have found myself in, even my trauma, was choreographed into my life. And He's not done choreographing yet!!
I've been told  by a few different sources recently that a choreography does not have to be literal, or even make perfect sense to the viewer. There are many things in my own life I've wondered about. But as long as my Choreographer knows (and He does) the reason, I can rest in peace. Easier said than done!!!!


  1. Oh I so look forward to continuing to read this blog! Jesus as choreographer is such a strong and delightful image and inspiration. "Consider the birds...."

  2. What a wonderful cuisine. I love the way you think and the way you write. You have a great gift of inspiration. You make me want to dance too. I look forward to future postings. May this year be a wonderful chapter in your unfolding story.

  3. Wow - you have made some very insightful concepts of choreography that are meaningful and pertinent to you. I am very interested in knowing about the braces - I hope they prove to be very helpful and ultimately successful tools in your development. I am sure you continue to write outstanding poetry - that was a great year of learning wasn't it. keep up the blogging, love granny & aunt michelle

  4. Beautifully written, Monica, and very well expressed. And what a BEAUTIFUL choreography He is creating in you!!!


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