Joy and excitement in little things

Thursday was FUN!!!

First, Cyrus and I went to pick up my new braces. I had braces before with a negative experience but at the reccommendation of my physiotherapist we are trying again. One of the differences with these braces verus the old ones was that they are built up at the heel. If we can make them comfy, they will make transfers easier on my caregivers and the people at work who help me in and out of my chair, because these braces actually have grown me a few inches!! This is very exciting!!

Then, my trainer for Cyrus came out to the house. We asked the center, two months ago for a new Halti, (the thing around his nose) as the one I had been using was wearing out. The one she brought out yesterday, at first glance appeared the same as the other one, but when I  put it on him yesterday it appeared to fit him better and wasn't as flimsy. This discovery was, for me as a dog owner, very exciting.

One of the many things that was said to me during my three week training period with Cyrus was that the dog would never fully forget his trainer. Some dogs, when they hear the van approaching, will start getting excited. Although I've never had this specific problem with Cyrus, if he sees Miriam at the door, that's it. Yesterday was no different. He's supposed to "sit" and "wait" while the door is being answered. I had put him on a wait when I first saw the van pull up. However the minute he saw Miriam at the door he ran to meet her.

If only we could all be as excited about things as Puppy!!!
Finally, it was time to go skiing. You may be thinking "Why skiing? Why not something less dangerous?" Well, first, my mother suggested I try it for a year (that was 4 years ago!)  and secondly it's freedom. Flying down that hill at top speed, sometimes a little slower, it's like I don't have a disability.
My colleague has a T-shirt she wears to work sometimes, and it says "Focus on DisAbility."  That is why I love skiing. It emphasizes my abilities not my disabilities.

  All of these things may seem small to you, but we can find joy in the little things of every day life. When we find that joy it changes the attitude of our hearts and gives us joy each day.
After all, God has choreographed those little things into our day. All we have to do is look for them!!!


  1. Monica, I didn't know you skied- very cool!

  2. I love reading your blog. I hope you keep it up!
    Kathleen (Patchell)


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