Lessons hidden in Puppy

"Man's best friend." To be honest I never really understood that saying....until Cyrus came along!
I believe Cyrus is a gift to me and my family.

But I wonder if God had more than one reason in mind when He created dogs. I wonder if dogs can teach their owners things just by being the dog God created them to be.

My Cyrus is so happy. He was described to me as "happy go lucky" before I even met him the for the first time!!! And that is truly who he is. He always obeys with a wagging tail and perky, happy ears. He's always CONTENT.
I know I'm not always like that. I have my moments of frustration, my moments of anger... But the truth is, that's not healthy. It's not healthy physically and it's not healthy spiritually. I want to be content like my Cyrus. I want to look at each new day the way he does, as an adventure!!

Eyes can tell a lot. Whether they're the eyes of a human, or the eyes of a dog. Eyes do
communicate. I look into Cyrus's eyes and I am constantly reading things. He tells me things with his eyes like: "I'm happy!" "I'm confused." "I love you." "I trust you."

I trust you!

I trust you. What powerful words. What a powerful message.
Our dogs (and other pets) trust us to make decisions for them. They trust us to think and act on their behalf. They can't see the big picture.
I have come to realize it's really no different from me and God. He knows what's best for me. I can trust Him because He sees the full picture. Easier said than done!!!! But He knows that too!!!!

Cyrus has been a gift to me in so many ways. But he's taught me so much and that's a gift "...far above what I could have asked or imagined..."  Ephesians 3:20a


  1. Very cute.
    I think that is a great lesson for everybody.
    Love you!

  2. Hi Monica, once again you've served up a delicious meal. It is both inspirational and challenging. I too, like Cyrus want to see life as an adventure. You have wonderful eyes to see what many miss. Keep writing!


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