A blurry photo

Have you ever really looked at a blurry photo? If you're anything like me, looking at a blurry photo makes you want to quickly look away. Or better yet get rid of it!!

I was going through my store of photos on my phone the other day. and came across one of my cat, similar to the one above, that was out of focus (not quite as much as the one above though!) You could tell what it was, but some of the details were missing. It all of a sudden hit me that this is how we see God.

When we first accept Him, our vision of Him is blurry. We can tell Who He is, but the details are missing. We accept the truth of His existence, love, power, kindness and holiness; but we see each one of these things dimly at first.

Sometimes when we're looking at God and the things He is doing we see so out of focus that we just want to give up and turn away like when we are looking at a blurry photo. As Christians, we are told to seek the Lord with all our hearts and search for Him as we would hidden treasure. When we persevere through the blurriness, He becomes clearer and clearer.

The image won't ever be totally clear like the photo above until Heaven, but  as we mature and grow in God thorugh our lives the details of His character will come more into focus.

"We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us!"
1 Cor 13:12 (The Message)


  1. Dear Grace - what a beautiful analogy you have chosen and developed. I agree with your thoughts completely. You are a very inciteful and mature Christian which is a great blessing. I enjoy your thoughts, and your very loving way of presenting them.
    I am sure God loves you deeply. I know that I do.

  2. Hi Monica, I have a friend that just had eye surgery. His eyes are still a little blurry. The doctor says it will take some time before he sees clearly. I love that God allows us to see Him more and more clearly. One day, as you said, we'll see Him and know Him fully. Until then thank you for reminding us to persevere. Love your thoughts...thanks! ~Chuck


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