An Experience Part 3

"You are good, and what You do is good..."
Psalm 119:68a

A couple weeks ago we made another very exciting discovery regarding my Dyslexia. It began on a Monday morning at physio. My physiotherapist has been intrigued by all the previous developments since the program and we've started using some of the tools in our sessions.

On this particular day an idea struck her. "Monica, do you know where your legs are?"

Do I know where my legs are? The question sounded strange. But I thought for a minute. I knew I had legs but when I'm unable to see them I realized I didn't really know where they were or what the were doing.

When I got home I relayed this new-found information to my mother who got really thoughtful. The next morning, she decided to ask me to orient while standing. After a couple of minutes of trying, I couldn't get oriented. When we tried again a few hours later, it took a full minute, but then I straightened up, stood away from the bar. Amazing.

The next day she called Carl. What Carl told Mom  was somewhat a surprise. Orientation has three parts to it: visual, (reading trigger words) auditory, (hearing trigger words) and balance. We were never able to do the balance because of my physical handicap.

This whole dyslexia thing continues to blow our minds as all the things we put down to the disability, are being "fixed." 


  1. Monica,
    I love the way you describe your journey and unveil the opportunities hidden within this challenge called dyslexia. I admire your sense of humour and spirit of adventure.


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