Fact or fantasy - how big was it?

Have you ever seen children's Bibles? The picture of Noah's ark usually looks something like this.

There are a few common misinterpretations dealing with the account of the worldwide flood. To start with, depending on the picture you look at it either has the animals sticking their heads out a window, sticking their heads out the roof or lounging on the deck.  I really doubt they would have done any of those things if it was very stormy which the Bible says it was. If the ark looked like that, how in the world did Noah get ALL the animals in?

Well, here's some food for thought around the Noah's Ark issue based on Scripture and some things we learned at the Creation Conference and Ark Encounter in Kentucky.

 In Genesis Chapter 5 verses 15 and 16 God gives Noah very detailed descriptions on what the ark is to look like. "This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits (1 and a half football fields) long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high. Make a roof for it, leaving below the roof an opening one cubit high all around. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks."There is no talk of windows, or a deck outside with chairs to sit on!!

So in reality the ark probably looked something like this

The Ark Encounter in Kentucky
Believe it or not, this is a huge issue for some people. People want to know how all the animals fit on the Ark, and if all they are picturing is the top picture, no wonder they're asking that question. 

The key is if we go to the Source, the true Biblical account, these problems disappear.

In my next post I'll talk about another common misinterpretation of this story, some science, and you'll get a treat too!!


  1. Good idea for a post! That picture is adorable, but of course, the real thing was a lot more hectic I'm sure! :)


  2. I want to tell you that I tagged you for the amazing fall tag that’s going around. It’s super fun and I totally recommend doing it but it’s up to you. You can get details here- https://annaleeleilani.wordpress.com/2017/10/24/fall-tag-🍁-hello-winter/
    I would love to see what you say! 😊

  3. Many scholars also suggest the arc may have been round instead of oblong since, unlike most boats, it did not need to be navigated to anywhere but just float.
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