
The revelation God gave me and subsequent painting of it, is getting exposure. That’s good and I want it out there, but I don't want it to just "get around." I want it to do more. I don't want it to be just a "nice story" people read and then forget. (see blog post dated Dec. 24, 2016 -  An Amazing Story)

So, what do I want with it? Why did I bother sharing it, painting it, and blogging it? 
What if I told you I don't want to have anything to do with it?  What? But it's an amazing story? 

Yes, it is. But it's not “my” story. It's God's. Like all the other stories and accounts out there, you can't hear it or tell it without featuring a main character (in this case me), but it's God's story. He is the focal point, not me.

Jesus hasn't walked the Earth for 2000 years, and because He's not here He calls us to be His hands, His feet... and, His voice.
I’ve been pondering these last few months - What does He require of me? If I am to be His voice, then what do I say, and to whom to I say it?

It was not just for me personally; although that was spectacular.
It was not just so my family could say how awesome it was that I had an experience with Jesus; although it greatly encouraged them that I did. It doesn’t even stop at the fact that it gave my parents peace to know I was in Jesus’ arms while dead for those 30 minutes.

It is all of that, and yet so much more. I believe, it was so I could take the truth of that vision, and tell people...hurting people… a truth that may set them free. 

What if there’s a mother whose baby has died and she's not sure where her child is? All she wants is some assurance that the baby she carried for all those months is somehow safe in the arms of Jesus. 

What if there’s someone who is questioning where they'll spend eternity. They’ve been taught the Bible, but they just aren’t sure.
What if there is a family member of a child or adult with a severe disability? All that family member sees is what doesn’t work. I want them to know these “disabled people” do not have a disable spirit. They too can hear from the Lord just as I did. He has no limits to whom He can communicate.

You see this is not “my” story. The message goes far beyond me. It is a truth for everyone. Jesus is alive. Jesus is involved in our lives. Jesus cares. Jesus is real. Jesus hold us. There is a heaven. Jesus communicates with His people.

I'm still struggling with why God chose to reveal this 24 years after it happened. But He is the great Choreographer and that's part of His plan too. Maybe He knew if He showed me sooner I wouldn't have taken the time with it that I am now because I understand more. Maybe He knew I would have made it about me instead of glorifying Him with it.  So, let this moment in time encourage. Let it bring peace. Let it extend His Kingdom here on earth.


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