
There are no boundaries to how God shares His perspective and communicates with His people.

My church, West Ottawa recently designated me as a missionary to the Arts Culture, where I attempt to sow seeds of God’s Love and Truth.

Mere days after this was introduced to our congregation and prayer coverage began, a few of us in the Propeller Dance Company were asked to perform with the NAC Orchestra at Southam Hall for the show The Hockey Sweater. Our group was given a 4-minute piece of music and three weeks to create a choreography. When my boss sent us the music by email to listen to and get it in our bodies before the first rehearsal, I knew God was communicating!

I'm not sure what I expected as I pressed play on the song called "Appellation Spring" but what I heard made me want to laugh, shout, and quietly reflect!. Although known by a different name in the secular world, to our family the chosen song was “Lord of the Dance," the famous Celtic ballad that talks about God as Creator, His birth, life, death, and His resurrection. It talks of those who chose to follow Him, and those who didn’t.  Knowing I’d be dancing in rfont of 2,000 people declaring in my heart that God is truly “Lord of the Dance” was like a kiss from God Himself. Yes, this is where I am to be!

I received prayer before I left for the theater the day of the show. The prayer was that the Holy Spirit would be so real in that auditorium that He would fill the entire theater from the top balcony to the stage from the front to the back. That the joy of the Lord would permeate me, and that He would shine through me on that stage so all would see His glory.

As we were preparing to go on stage, I suddenly was hit with the unshakable urge to giggle. I was reminded of a magnet given to me years ago. It simply read "The joy of the Lord is your strength." And in that moment, I felt strong as I have never felt before. I felt myself shining as I have never shone before and in that moment a confidence filled me. I knew who I was; a daughter of the Lord of the Dance and He was the invisible sixth dancer on that stage and we danced together perfectly.


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