A big responsiblity

As I mentioned in "A new endeavor" I'm seriously thinking of writing a book. Maybe even making writing my second job. We'll see.

I felt like this book should be a devotional...but not just any devotional. I  want the audience for this book to be Christian young people who are working in the secular work environment. Why?

Well, as someone who works in this kind of environment, I know how hard it can be. I get discouraged and I wonder if there is anyone else out there who feels the same way.

Now, there are a lot of very difficult jobs for Christians out there. Dancers have to do choreographies they don't agree with,  teachers can't talk about Jesus or they lose their job, scientists can't get published if they believe in a 6 day Creation... the list goes on.

I don't take this lightly. I strongly believe this is where God is taking me, whether I become an author or not. It's one step at a time always following God's path and trusting if I make a wrong turn, He'll gently guide me back.


  1. That's a great idea for a book!



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