A new endeavor

About six months ago I decided to try something. It's called the Young Writer's Workshop.  I suppose you could call it a mentorship being hosted by two young people who have published books while they were in their teens. Anyway writing was always something I  enjoyed in school I just never really thought of doing anything with it and didn't think it was really my thing...until recently.

Mom heard about this through a course she and Dad are taking and sent the info along to me. When I applied, I honestly didn't think it would go anywhere beyond helping me get more consistent with my blog. But it has...

This online program is so encouraging. We get weekly content from our two mentors plus some guests contribute their experience and knowledge. One of the co-founders recently started  a section where he'll answer a question-a-day from one of us, they've given us an online community where hundreds of us communicate, share ideas, critique each other's work,  and encourage each other.

The funny thing is is that writing has now become kinda of addictive..I'm always thinking writing  ideas now. I'm starting to pursue the idea of writing a book, and I'm writing poetry again.

I can't wait to see where I'll be in another 6 months if I continue to give this all I've got...!!! Will you come along with me for the ride?


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