Writer's block

Last time I posted I talked about a new endeavor I'm on called YWW. If you haven't read that post yet, go read it then come back here.

For the most part this journey has been really encouraging and inspiring. As I mentioned in the last post, I'm at the beginning stages of a book idea that was inspired by the YWW and my job.

I have been taught to begin any major writing project by creating an outline to follow and to keep my focus on what I'm trying to say. This part was fairly easy and soon I had what I thought was a good outline. I started writing

But now all of a sudden my outline doesn't make sense. The order seems out of whack, the flow of chapters in my mind is blocked somehow.

My book idea is a devotional for young people in a secular work environment. Being in that place myself I know first hand the joys and heartache of this kind of job. I feel God has not only called me there to shine in the darkness around me but possibly to write to bring encouragement and comfort to others who, like me, are struggling at work.

Three things come to mind as tools I have to draw on. Number one: I have and will continue to pray for wisdom and guidance from the Lord. Number two: I am a part of a writing community as part of YWW an have reached out to them for support. Number three: I have emailed the co-founder, and one of our mentors at YWW and have asked for help. 

Regardless of why I'm having trouble writing right now, I'm going to keep going; because the Lord inspires and  I desire to inspire and bless others with my writing.


  1. Writers, unfortunately, hit road blocks; but praying and asking for help are two great ways to get past those road blocks. :)



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