Liebster Bloggers Award

 I was reading a blog post of one of the very few blogs I follow. As I neared the end of it I  was surprised to find my name as a nominee for this award. This award is for bloggers with less than 200 followers and is designed to help them get more followers. In addition to answering the 11 questions my nominator asked and providing 11 facts about myself I will be nominating up to 11 other bloggers for this award. So here goes!!

  1. What is your least favourite food? 
I know,  I know. I'm a strange duck but I hate cheese. I like it on pizza, lasagna though

2.    How do you find inspiration for your blogs? 

I usually blog about my life, and/or what God is teaching me. Sometimes the two go hand in hand 

3.  What is your favourite unusual word?

This would have to be fantabulous!! Isn't it just the funnest word EVER!?

     4.     Cake or ice cream?


        5.   What’s your favourite colour?


         6.  Who’s your favourite actor or actress?

Can I have two? I really like Fred Astair for his dancing. I like Ben Barnes for his believable acting.  

         7.  What is your favourite genre to read?

 I love fantasy. Books like The Brotherband Chronicles, Ranger's Apprentice and The Chronicles of 'em!

          8.  What is your favourite verse in the Bible?

 Psalm 144. 

           9.  If you could live in one place where would it be, and why?

I'm kinda a homebody. I like my home, church, friends, and city. 

           10. How long have you been blogging?

 I started blogging before Christmas about 3 years ago 

            11. How old are you? 

I am 26 years old

Well those were fun to answer! Thanks Anna-Lee. You can check out her blog by pressing the link on her name.

Now on to the facts about me:

  1.  I am the oldest of two girls. 
  2. I am in a power wheelchair and have a service dog for mobility help 
  3. I LOVE winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  4. I'm a professional dancer with an integrated dance company.  
  5. I'm a pasta and seafood nut!! 
  6. I love Jesus 
  7. My family does the best holidays ever!!!! 
  8. My favourite authors are John Flanagan and Melanie Dickerson. You have to check them out! They're seriously the best!!
  9. I love the autumn
  10. My favourite singing group would have to be Hawk Nelson
  11.  I'm a makeup, earring, fake nail girly girl 
 The bloggers I have chosen are: 

Kaylin:  Picked by Hand

Linda (Mom):  The Compass Rose

Here are the guideline for this award:
  • Acknowledge the blogger(s) who nominated you by naming them and putting their blog link on your blog.
  • Give your reply for the 11 questions they ask you.
  • Give 11 neat facts about yourself.
  • Give this award to up to 11 other bloggers who you think deserve it! (with less than 200 followers). Explain the rules to them!
  • Let the bloggers know that you nominated them.
  • Give them 11 questions to answer in their blog.
  • Show the award!
   So now we'll get on to the questions I have for Linda and Kaylin:

  1. Why a blog?
  2. What passage of scripture speaks to you most and why?
  3. If you could  go anywhere in the world for a missions trip where would it be? 
  4. Who is your favourite author? 
  5. What's your favourite colour?
  6. What one of God's Names speaks to you most? 
  7. What Disney movie do like most?   
  8. What's your dream vacation? 
  9. What is your favourite quote?
  10. What time of day do you enjoy most?
  11. If you were to choose any show to attend what would you pick? 


  1. I enjoyed reading your responses to this! I love pasta, purple, and autumn too. :)


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