Life 01

Well January is almost over, so here we are with the first update on the life of Monica.

In typical fashion, I hit the slopes the first week of January, ready to dash into my eighth year of skiing. Unfortunately that first week was -30 with the wind chill of skiing so we only lasted about 30 minutes. The next week it rained and our van broke, but since then, we've had some lovely ski weather and loads of fun. Last week I even went over a jump and got some air. Kudos to my volunteer tether guy!

At work, my colleague asked me again if I would dance in her creation. I have always said no due to a few different things, however, this time,  I felt the release in my spirit to say yes. So I've taken on a huge learning curve as the piece is already created and I'm now being integrated in. It's fun though and I'm making new friends and enjoying being with my colleagues more. 

Another big part of the company's activities is our company class. I love these. We have different teachers in, so we've been learning lots of different things. This month we've been having an instructor from the staff of GCTC where we are the company in residence. Hugh has been taking us on an adventure through theater skills. We've been having a blast playing games centered around the intention of how we say certain things. Last week we learned three lines of his favourite song and had to sing them different ways with different intents.

I have greatly enjoyed getting back to teaching my two little classes on Saturday mornings. It has been so rewarding for me to know I'm making a difference in these kid's lives. Along with that I attended a teacher training day a few weekends ago where all the teachers of all the classes came together for the day and learned new techniques and exercises and got to ask questions and talk about our classes. I find those days very refreshing as we all support each other and we as teachers and teacher's assistants get to have some fun together.

With only a few days left of January and a whole week off work, I hope to spend some time writing, playing and training Cyrus, reading and perhaps the most important thing of all; spending time getting refreshed by the Lord.


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