"Do you trust me?"

I really like the movie Aladdin. One of the most poignant lines in the movie is "Do you trust me?" This line, spoken by Aladdin himself, comes up twice in the movie. Once at the beginning in his humble dwelling and once more about half way through when Aladdin is at the palace offering a Magic Carpet ride.

Now what does Aladdin have to do with God?

Research by Thomas Pierre Verduyn author of "The Former Things  - A summary of world history"  has shown that the Bible is 42 percent history and 22 percent prophecy (the other 36 percent he accounted as "other" but it would fall under the category of wisdom/poetry/teaching). In order for the Bible to contain that much history, or as some like to call it, His Story, it must be really, really important to God.

I find it interesting that through the years, many have had no problem believing Darwin's theory of evolution, propaganda of the Communists, Nazi’s, Hezbollah, ISIS, or even our own government, but we question God’s Biblical account.
Many tend to believe what we Google, what’s written in  newspapers, announced on the radio or TV, or read on Facebook.
And yet, when we read the Biblical account of how God created the world by the power of His Word, caused a worldwide flood; many scoff at the fantasy.

 God is asking each of us "Do you trust Me?" And this is no movie.


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