Week 1!!

Well the long and agonizing wait is over!!! Canadian Guide Dogs started me on my 3 week training program with my new assistance dog on Monday August 13!! 

I just completed my first week and am onto my second. I think I had forgotten how hard this process is. Electra is adorable and melted my heart from the first moment I laid eyes on her, but she's having to transfer her affections, her obedience and herself from the trainer who has had her for about a year, to me, a total stranger.

There have been moments of joy and laughter as she's obeyed me without the trainer here, but there have also been moments of tears and frustration and moments I have wanted to quit and give her back and get on with life and be with Cyrus.

But my love for her has won out every time and now at the beginning of my second week of training I can see the bond is already strong. She loves me, and I love her. She's my girl.


 While I was in tears of exhaustion and absolute fatigue from the emotion and lack of sleep, my dear friend told me , "God didn't answer all your prayers to have you give up...."  I strongly believe that, and God did what I thought looked impossible. He gave me this precious puppy, answered my prayer about the training taking place in the summer before I go back to work in the fall, He has workers and people around m like my friend I quoted above, to help me though this season, and He has promised He'll never leave me.

My little 'Lectra is truly a blessing above my wildest dreams and as time passes the bond, which even my trainer saw when she came this morning, will only grow deeper and stronger.  


  1. What a beautiful dog. I love the journey you’re on and how we all get to tag along. I look forward to one of those Carp walks with you and Electra. The adventure continues. I’ll stay tuned.


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