A new beginning part 2

Have you ever had ideas of thing you want to do 5, 10, 15 years down the road? Have you ever sat down and written those goals out to refer back to at a later date?

This journey I'm setting out on called Lifetime Networks has made me start to think about what want to pursue in life and list the goals I have for my life.


  1. Staying home for a weekend without family, French, Sign Language, Travel (touring with work), grant writing, disabled swim group (or something like this)
  2. Finding a second part time job, Bible study/college and career group, exercise stuff (group or other. No yoga)
  3. Courses at College or University (Explore my interests), Appointments (advocate, ride, physical help…)
  4. Meal prep (Grocery store exploration)
  5. Starting my own dance company

We thought and prayed about these. With the help of God and Mom, I have not only written down my goals but have categorized them by number -  1. being super-duper important to 5 being I know it's going to take a while so no rush. Within each numbered category, I have also categorized each thing under each number. 

It was a lot of fun to think through my life's goals. Goals like French were fairly easy.   Other goals were harder. 

I look forward to getting my Network up and running.  


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