An amazing moment

I had been wanting a spot to go and be alone with God for a while.  One day in June, shortly after my end of year show, I found a secluded spot in the woods that I could get to via a path that has been made in recent years. I started going every day, and then one day in September something amazing happened.

But let  me back up a minute...
Over the last few years I have been asked many times if I remember anything from the time I was dead during my trauma. I had always answered "no," because who remembers something that happened when they were 14 months old.

On this particular day in September, at my special spot, during my special time with God, the sky was a brilliant blue, the air was warm, and the trees were just starting to turn to their fall colours.There's a pine tree close to a lake and from my perspective it seemed taller than the other trees around. I looked up at this tree as I sat and prayed.

That's when the amazing thing happened. The tree, the lake, the other trees, shrubs, bushes, flowers all faded away. The sky opened and I was looking into heaven. I saw Jesus holding a baby. I didn't recognize the baby, but I knew instinctively that I had just been transported back 24 years and that this child looking up into Jesus's face was me.

And I remembered. I remember being there during those 30 minutes.  While my earthly body was lying in the back of that fire rescue truck having  CPR; while I lay in the hospital Emergency room with doctors and nurses desperately trying to resuscitate me; the real me was snug in Jesus' arms.

I kept this vision to myself for quite a few weeks, then one day I started sharing it with my family.When I saw the impact it had on them, I realized I wanted to be able to share it with others, so I asked a friend to come and help me paint this amazing revelation.

This spot in the woods continues to be a blessing to me. But that day is forever etched in my brain.  I will never know His reason for taking me to heaven for those 30 minutes or why He chose to reveal this to me now, but  I trust His timing and how He will use this amazing moment to bless others as well.


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