A trip of a lifetime

 I get asked a lot what I did over the summer. A lot of people react with surprise when I tell that we spent a week in Kentucky. So, why did we choose this former slave state in the middle of the U. S? I mean, come on, Kentucky's not exactly famous for anything, or is it?

It all started when a good friend of my mother's visited The Creation Museum with her family a few years ago. Built by Answers in Genesis, an apologetic ministry; the Creation Museum brings the gospel to life as people walk though the Bible beginning with Genesis 1:1. Complete with a planetarium, and beautiful outdoor gardens, the Creation Museum is definitely something you want on your bucket list!!

The museum goes though the 7 C's as pictured above. I was impressed with the signage. They were both easy to read and thought provoking. Though this museum and other YouTube videos Mom and I have watched since getting back, I have come to realize it takes just as much faith to believe in Evolution as it does to believe in a 6 day Creation. For both theories humans weren't around, so how do we know for sure?  We don't - aside from the fact that we have an accurate account in the Bible, which just so happens to be the greatest History book of all time. And I saw somewhere that the word 'History' can also be looked at as 'His Story.' When I look at the Bible as history or His Story, how can I not believe it? 


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