Thank you.

Two simple words, yet possibly two of the most powerful words in the English language.  These words can make someone feel like they helped, blessed, made someone feel special.

People love hearing the words "thank you." Have you ever really thought about it though? I mean , if we love hearing these words so much, how much more would God love hearing them.  A friend of mine and I started something about a year ago. We'd text each other every day with something we were grateful for. It was like thanking God for something every day.

In Proverbs17:22  it says "A cheerful heart is good medicine..." Being grateful is like having a cheerful heart and is exceedingly healthy for our minds and hearts.

It's easy to say thank you when we get what we want or when we receive an answer to our prayers. But how about when we don't get what we want or that prayer isn't answered the way we'd hoped? Is it still important to say thank you? I believe it is and even though I'm not pretending to be an expert in this area, the exercise my friend started has helped me to see the good in each day and to then turn around and thank the Creator for His involvement.

So let's use these two simple little words to show others we appreciate what they do but let's show God we appreciate the things He does for us both big and small; whether He answers our prayers the way we want or not. 


  1. As always an eye opening perspective of life and your relationship with God


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