
I know a lot  of people now who don't like Valentine's Day. I totally get why too, if you're single Valentine's Day can remind you of your singleness. But personally, I think Valentine's Day is a wonderful day. Here are two reasons why.

Just because I'm not married, not engaged, and don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean I'm not loved. In fact, I know I'm very loved by my parents, my sister, my friends, my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins...  Yes I may be single but I'm loved.

Secondly, we Christians have the best Valentine in the world, Jesus. John 3:16a says "For God so loved the world..." And you know what? God gave us the best Valentine's gift ever in His Son.  Furthermore, Scripture says that we, the church, are the bride of Christ (Revelation 19.)  If you think about it that way, even all you single people out there are "engaged"  if you truly believe in Jesus.

Years ago, Istarted a tradition.  I would wake up on Valentine's Day and before talking to anyone else would whisper "Happy Valentine's Day Lord" because it is so true, He is the Lover of our Souls. He'll love us even if no one else does.

 I know its a year away, but next Valentine's Day, instead of getting upset or depressed because you're single, will you mark your calendars and join me in first recognizing how loved we are, and then by offering up a simple prayer to the God who created you, and loves you more than anyone else ever could?


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