Creation's proclamation 1

One year in school I did a presentation on the solar system. I studied the planets, the stars, asteroids, the sun... Then I picked one planet and I studied more about it. The planet I chose to focus on was Jupiter. As I studied, I discovered Jupiter has moons that obit it. At that time, there were 16 moons around Jupiter - now, however, they've discover 53!!!  

My planet line up; with Mom as the sun!!!!

 That time I spent studying the night sky so long ago stirred in me a love for astronomy. The more we discover about the vastness of space the more we realize how much we don't actually know. Scientists have just recently discovered that some of the rings around Saturn are actually braided!! The more we discover, the more awesome it all seems; but we've only just scratched the tip of the iceberg so to speak. Thereès a whole lot more out there just waiting to point us to it's Creator 

God must've had a purpose in mind when He created all of this, especially if we weren't going to be able to see a lot of it with our naked eye. So, what is the purpose of Creation?  What's the purpose of the sun, moon, stars, planets, asteroids and constellations? In Psalm 19 it says: "The heavens declare the glory of God..." I truly believe that this is the number one reason for creation. To point to the One who made it all.


  1. Bravo 👏 . Once again you have inspired me to think about my relationship with God

  2. It's mind blowing to look up at a clear night sky and think of how amazing this universe is! It does give one a glimpse of how awesome our God is, as creator of this stupendous and seemingly unending world!


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