
At our church's Wednesday evening Bible study, we watched a documentary on Angola Prison. Watching the video and then listening to the discussion around my table afterwards got me pondering something.

This prison is a death row prison, meaning people come in and never leave. They die there. A few years ago, a Bible college was started right there in the prison. Hundreds of men's lives were changed,  and one  has left the prison and is now a pastor.  These men are getting hope.

Around the table we began discussing the definition of  hope? The dictionary defines hope like this: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen, a feeling of trust As a verb it is defined: wanting something to happen or be the case.

So this brings us to the next question. As Christians, what is our hope in?

It's easy to say "I hope you feel better" to a friend or a family member who's sick. This is all in perfect line with the definition. But as believers this is not where our hope should be.  My hope should not be in getting healed, for example. Instead my hope should be in the Lord and His promises -not as in "I hope He'll keep His word" but an actual trust that what He says He’ll do.

 And what does He say?

Here, in the land of the living:

  • He Loves me
  • He is  with me
  • He walks through the dark times even through the shadow of death
  • He always gives me a way out of temptation
  • He is my defender
  • He's my provider

And in the future?

  • Jesus will stand in front of me on that Day of Judgment
  • I will dwell with Him forever
  • I will be reconciled to Father God
  • I will be healed
  • I will never be sick, have tears or suffer again
  • I will worship Him forever 

It is not what my hope is in. It is Who my hope in!


1 Peter 3:15
 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect


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